Perfectly Imperfectly You

Do you feel like things have to be perfect before you can hit the 'go' button?
Are you afraid others might not have your back?
Do you feel you are wasting a shitload of time? 
Is this holding you back from completing tasks and being that successful person that you know you are?

Heres a little tip for you...
Be perfectly imperfect.

What's that?
Its not needing to have your 'ducks in a row' before you share yourself with others, albeit in business, relationships or with family.

It is about giving yourself permission to be the real, raw you... all the time.

If you feel you cannot be yourself in a situation look inside and see what part of you you are trying to avoid in sharing. What part of you is feeling vulnerable in that situation? And then nurture it.

Just remember nothing is right or wrong, it is just real.

Being REAL and authentic is actually a natural ability we all possess.
Being real can be scary because it can bring up feelings of 'what if'; what if they dont like me, what if i am wrong, what if i fail, what if it doesn't got to plan?

But how can you go wrong if you are just being you? 

By just being you, you connect with people like you (your tribe) and therefore naturally develop connections that support the REAL you.

How cool is that?

That means you will be where you need to be, when you need to be there, surrounded by those who you can serve best and who can best serve you too; picking you up when you fall and cheering you on as you grow tall.

It doesnt sound that scary now, right?

Remember you are:
and perfect just as you are...
Perfectly imperfect.


A Letter to Your Expression


Are you a Victim?